Special guest instructors include:
Becky Bee - Natural Building expert, and author of ´The Cob Builders Handbook´.
Benji Nagel and Carys Wilkins - A Central Oregon couple, specializing in cold tolerant seed varieties and community relations... young modern day permaculturalists extrordinaires.
Richard Wadsworth - An old time legendary farmer, and master of dry farming tecniques for over 30 years.
Permaculture Design Course
September 11th - September 26th, 2014
*The cost for this Permaculture Design Course, including daily fresh organic vegetarian meals and accommodation is $1,300.
-In order to reserve your space, please send in your $100 deposit and fill out the registration form below.
-Receive a 10% discount if you recommend a friend and an additional 10% if you carpool!
As explained by the Permaculture Institute, "Permaculture is an ecological design system for sustainability in all aspects of human endeavor. It teaches us how to design natural homes and abundant food production systems, regenerate degraded landscapes and ecosystems, develop ethical economies and communities, and much more. As an ecological design system, permaculture focuses on the interconnections between things more than individual parts."
Jeanette Acosta - Indienous Permacultre specialist, certified permaculture teacher and designer; specializing in maritime culture, herbalism, ethnobotany and biodynamics. Her experience dealing with indigenous peoples, international business people, world diplomats, heads of states, renowned artists/celebrities, and politicians gives her a very unique perspective on various cultures and customs.
To learn more about Jeanette Acosta, visit:
According to Ben Haggard..."Permaculture provides an ethical & holistic foundation for sustainable culture. The principles are derived from three basic ethics: Care for the Earth; Care for people; Limit needs & reinvest in the future. The core emphasis of permaculture is that landscapes are complex & integrated wholes. Ecosystems are healthy & relatively stable when their parts are connected in a diverse web of relationships. In a Permaculture design, decisions flow naturally from observations of these relationships. Decisions that arise from connection are inherently functional & frequently beautiful.
Permaculture uses the energies of wind, sun, water, soil & the myriad biological processes of the world’s organisms. These powerful energies, used appropriately, assist in reclaiming soils. Forest, prairie, & river systems regenerate. Waste products are minimal & reused. Human Communities provide for their own needs in small, efficient farms & gardens, allowing the broad landscape to return to health.
Permaculture is a body of knowledge, susceptible to learning & teaching. But it is also a way of organizing knowledge, a connecting system that integrates science, art, politics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, & the diverse experiences & resources available in any community."
We are very excited to announce that this year here at Ubuntu Gardens, we will officially be hosting another amazing Permaculture Design Course (PDC) commencing on the 11th of September, on through the Autumn Equinox until September 26th.
Like the teachings of Ubuntu, permaculture is very much concerned with our relationship to the land and all things, both very much taking into account our true inherent interconnected nature. Permaculture principles are very much of central importance here at Ubuntu Gardens where so much has already been done and so many new and exciting projects remain...An amazing journey that we get to embark on together!

This course is open to all experience levels, so regardless if you are just starting to get your hands dirty or you are already a seasoned permaculture practicioner, come take advantage of this amazing opportunity to spend time with some fantastic instructors, and let them share with you some of the many skills and teachings they have learned along the way. After completion of this Permaculture Design Course, you will recieve a PDC certification which is bound to help open doors for you in the future. After completion of this course you will feel ready to start your own permaculture inspired project; that is if you haven't already, and if you are already so inclined, well you are bound to learn some new and exciting skills and teachings to help you take your understanding of permaculture and sustainability to the next level. We look forward to meeting you and sharing this beautiful space, time, and journey with you in the coming days!
We are very pleased to have as our honorary lead instructors, Lary Korn and Jeanette Acosta.
Larry Korn - Soil life and science specialist and representative of the Natural Farming methods of Masanobu Fukuoka...author of the amazing book ´The One Straw Revolution´. To learn more about Larry Korn, visit:
Fukuoka believes that natural farming proceeds from the spiritual health of the individual. He considers the healing of the land and the purification of the human spirit to be one process, and he proposes a way of life and a way of farming in which this process can take place. "Natural farming is not just for growing crops," he says, it is for the cultivation and perfection of human beings."
Learn more about Fukuoka & Larry Korn at:

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